Memory Techniques for Med School #5 (Ditties)
There is not enough space on this blog to list all the excellent ditties and other mnemonics in medicine
Our memories are stronger for words set to to music or rhythm, a reason for the effectiveness of advertising jingles. For instance, in remembering the cervical nerves that elevate the diaphragm, the ditty is “C3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive.”
Successful cardiac resuscitation at the George Gershwin Memorial Hospital
And, in recognition of “poor dendal” (pudendal nerve) from the previous blog: “S,2,3,4 keeps the penis off the floor.”
There is not enough space on this blog to list all the excellent ditties and other mnemonics in medicine, but you can find an extensive list by googling "medical mnemonics."
The Goldberg Files
The Goldberg Files is based on the struggles of Dr. Goldberg as well as those of his many students which he observed while teaching medical school for 25 years. This extensive blog is dedicated to assisting students in dealing with the stresses of medical education. Want to learn more?